Fast Flowering Cannabis Seeds

Fast flowering cannabis seeds have completely revolutionised weed cultivation for most legal growers. Not to be mistaken with autoflowering seeds, fast flowering cannabis seeds flower and ripen much faster than any other cannabis seeds on the market today.

They are capable of producing highly potent cannabis buds with the added advantage of a super-fast growth cycle. So, what exactly are fast flowering cannabis seeds, and are they really worth the hype? This post will tackle everything about fast flowering seeds, their unique benefits, and how they’re different from the other varieties of cannabis seeds that are available.

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What Are Fast Flowering Cannabis Seeds?

Fast flowering cannabis seeds, also known as quick seeds, are a type of compact photo-dependent marijuana strain with an ultra-fast flowering phase. These cannabis seeds have been genetically designed to bloom within a short period. In fact, most of them have a flowering phase that lasts as little as six to eight weeks. This timeline is quite impressive, especially considering that ”normal” marijuana strains bloom after about nine to 11 weeks.

Fast flowering cannabis seeds provide legal marijuana growers with the perfect balance between photoperiod and autoflowering cannabis strains. To put this into perspective, photoperiod cannabis variants are sturdy, taller, and can produce highly potent buds. However, these variants usually take relatively longer to bloom. They also usually need a standard 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness to mature and proceed to the next stage.

On the other hand, autoflowering cannabis variants are known for their short life cycle. These plants also flower automatically when they reach a certain size, regardless of the amount of light exposure they get during their lifecycle. Unfortunately, legal growers do not have the option to extend the vegetative phase of autoflowering cannabis plants.

All things considered, fast flowering cannabis seeds share some characteristics with both variants. They’re generally light-dependent like photoperiod cannabis variants but with a short lifecycle like autoflowers. With fast flowering cannabis plants, legal weed growers have the freedom to extend the vegetative phase using light cycles. Less light translates to less bud density and a lower yield, while more light exposure leads to delayed flowering.

However, employing a 12/12 light and darkness schedule means the fast flowering cannabis plants will mature and bloom faster.

How Are Fast Flowering Cannabis Seeds Made?

Fast flowering cannabis seeds are born from a cross between feminized photoperiod cannabis strains and reversed autoflowering plants. During this process, male autoflowers produce pollen that fertilizes the photoperiod plants. The result of this cross is fast flowering cannabis plants with over 90% chance of being female.

In addition to having feminized cannabis properties, fast flowering cannabis variants are stable, rich in THC, mature faster, and usually flower automatically.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fast Flowering Cannabis Seeds

Fast flowering cannabis seeds are said to offer many benefits compared to “normal” cannabis seeds, making them a popular choice among newbies and seasoned legal marijuana growers. However, they also come with a few drawbacks.


Rapid Growth Time

There are several reasons why some legal growers may opt for fast flowering cannabis seeds over other varieties. However, the biggest reason is said to be the fact that they don’t want to wait too long before they can start enjoying the fruits of their labour. For instance, quick-flowering cannabis plants can bloom in as little as 30 days after the seeds have been planted. On the other hand, non-fast-flowering cannabis seeds usually require several months for this to happen.

That said, fast flowering cannabis seeds allow legal growers to harvest their produce in as little as eight to 10 weeks. As a result, these seeds are popular among legal growers looking to maximize their yields and minimize the waiting period between harvests.

Better-Suited for Colder Climates

Even though experts say that fast flowering cannabis seeds do well indoors, they can also grow well outdoors in colder regions like Russia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

High-Quality Buds

Fast flowering cannabis seeds have been expertly bred to produce bigger and more flavorful buds rich in THC. Therefore, it is common knowledge that legal growers using fast flowering cannabis plants don’t have to sacrifice quality and potency for speed.

Tiny and Compact Plants

The small size and compact nature of fast flowering cannabis plants reportedly make them ideal for growing indoors and in confined spaces. Due to their compact size, fast flowering cannabis plants require minimal maintenance work and are said to be ideal for discreet cultivation.

As a result, prevailing knowledge says that they can be easily legally grown on the balcony, shelves, and even inside a home office.

High Resistance to Pathogens, Pests, and Diseases

The genetic composition of fast flowering cannabis variants makes them highly resistant to pathogens, such as mold, mildew, and fungus. As a result, fast flowering cannabis plants are said to be less likely to sustain a fungal infection that can easily lower the final yield. These crops are also said to be resistant to common pests and diseases, making it easier for legal growers to get a healthy harvest every time.

Another reason fast flowering cannabis strains are not susceptible to mold, mildew, fungus, pests, and diseases is that they have a short life cycle. Therefore, they’re always ready to harvest before the arrival of the rainy and humid weather.

Allow Cloning

Another useful characteristic that fast flowering cannabis strains inherit from photoperiod crops is the ability to be successfully cloned. Legal growers often clip the stem of a fast version strain and use it as a mother plant for future cloning purposes.

Saves Money

When it comes to legally growing marijuana, electricity is always the biggest expense. The fastest versions of fast flowering cannabis strains usually take as little as seven weeks to bloom, while the slowest cannabis strains take up to 14 weeks.

As a result, it is common knowledge that fast flowering cannabis seeds translates to big savings on electricity bills. Their short lifecycle and less maintenance work also mean that legal growers get to spend less time in the garden.

Suitable for Novice Growers

Fast flowering cannabis seeds are usually highly recommended for newbie marijuana growers and that is because they are said to require less nutrients and care and will always result in a wholesome yield.


Lower Yields

Fast flowering cannabis strains are usually compact and produce fewer flowers, which is said to often result in a lower yield. The yields are usually less than non-fast-flowering cannabis strains but more than autoflowers.


Growing light-dependent cannabis strains means that legal growers must always be extra careful with the light and darkness schedules. Fast flowering cannabis plants are light-dependent, making them more expensive to grow than autoflowers.

Other Expert Info on Fast Flowering Cannabis Seeds

Fast Flowering seeds are used by many legal growers worldwide and here are some factors they say are most important.

High-Quality Seeds

The kind of fast flowering cannabis seeds that are chosen is said to directly impact the amount of harvest legal growers get in the end. For the best results, it’s said to be important to go for seeds with stable genetics and bought from a reputable source.

Fast flowering cannabis seeds are usually available in indica and sativa varieties. It’s worth noting that every variety necessitates different techniques.

Light Exposure

As mentioned, fast flowering cannabis plants require adequate light to thrive and bloom. During the vegetative phase, the plants reportedly require about 18 hours of light. When it’s time to induce flowering, legal growers switch to the 12/12 light and darkness schedule. This is said to help the plants produce dense, aromatic, and potent buds.

The Bottom Line

In recent years, fast flowering seeds have proven to be a great choice for many legal marijuana growers and collectors looking for quick and high-yield harvests. The best part is that these seeds are feminized, so legal growers never have to waste time separating the males from the females.

As experts continue to breed fast flowering cannabis strains into other strains, it’s only a matter of time before faster and more potent seeds are born.